Wednesday, December 30, 2009


cheeks and deed hard at it building cheek's body of work.

deed's dog Ash, supervising.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

cheeks, calling in for duty.

hey troops,

thought I should contribute to this thing so here i am. The 'I' i speak of is me, otherwise known as Cheeks or if you want to get real technical then Ika J :) hope everyones summer is cranking! hope the sunshiney days make you happy... anyway, I'm an illustrator and i like to draw but occasionally paint too :D hope everyone's getting pumped for Debut. What I'm makings a secret you'll have to come to the show to see it ;) but i can leave you with something else just so you get your daily dose of awesome :p

heres a deck i did for my mate, Shaun who started his own deck range, .BLAH.

Monday, December 14, 2009

brave new world.


please click on the image to see the poster better :)
spread the word people!

poster illustration courtesy of one of our exhibitors: Monster.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Artist Entry: lupea.

Hi there, this is Luke (lupea is the nickname) and I'm one of the artists that'll be showcased in Project Debut. There hasn't been a post on here since mid-November so I thought it was high time o update it :)

Well I'll be painting for the exhibition three pieces that equal five canvases as one is a sort of triptych. They'll all have a flat base colour for the background to bring more focus to the foreground. I'm pretty anal retentive when it comes to the tonal arrangements in my piece which usually leads to taking a lot of time to do a piece fully. I've been told not to be such a perfectionist, but it's kind of hard when my career goal is a tattooist :P

I don't want to give away much about my pieces since they're mostly still in production. I can say that one is Banksy-inspired (If you don't know Bansky, shame on you and Google him) and the other is Beatles influenced, the third being inspired by various things, including the artist Lawrence Yang (again, shame on you for not knowing him if you don't). Two of these canvases are pretty big, so it'll be a big task for me to do. Fun times shall be had by all.

If anyone reading this wants to know more about my art you can visit my portfolio at or

Have a great day,
